you hate lowercase. i don’t judge. i just need a minute to write. without moving too much. i feel a little numb. too numb. days of crying are now blending into days of nothing. i’ve said everything i think i wanted to say. but it always feels like there’s more.

i’m waking up in a new city, today. i have been for the last week. friday was a treat. the last 205 days have been a gift. even though you’re flying out, be around. keep being around. we’ll figure new ways out. we’ll fight for this.

i love you (as a friend).

you’re a good person. you’ve been a good friend to me.

take these polaroids, this hand-written eight page letter, and these coupon cards that i put together just for us. it has us in it. we’re here.

we’re here.

i miss you.
