Away from.

Flew out, away, from my flat.

At a friend’s place in a different city.

Grew old. And a little bit wiser.

I’m not hungry so I might skip breakfast. Maybe some coffee and a few chips?

This guy took his chance on me last night, glaringly missing that I had the ace flag draped around me and wondering if we could hook-up. I don’t want to mince words – that is what it was. Any flag draped around me should invite questions, but there were none.

His friend was more interesting than he was.

Sometimes I feel romantically attracted to men, but this was not one of those times. And the idea of a hook-up would kill any romantic attraction anyway, if there was any.

Close Friend had said I should maybe consider having a hook-up with someone safe, a woman – and see what it feels like for me. What I learn about myself from this.

Maybe that will happen this year, maybe not.

It’s on my mind.

But it has to be on my terms, not an approach from a guy who has no awareness to ask what my flag was all about.

I’m not salty. You’re salty.